Participate in a mixed training?

Fill in the form below and we will contact you right away. Be aware that mixed trainingsessions are always held at our office in Huis ter Heide.

🕐 2 x 6 hours (2 days) | Price p.p. : € 1180,- | Location: Deployteq Office

During this 2-day Basics Training, you will learn everything about working with Deployteq. Profiles, imports, emails, pages & campaigns; every part of Deployteq will be explained. The ideal way to start with Deployteq!

🕐 4 hours | Price p.p. : € 650,- | Location: Deployteq Office

During this 4-hour training you will dive into the advanced objects that our campaigns have to offer. You will earn how to use the datamodel in your campaigns and learn bout advanced objects, such as the HHTP-request object. You will also learn how to build your own objects.

🕐 4 hours | Price p.p. : € 650,- | Location: Deployteq Office

During this 4-hour training session, you will delve deeper into data integrations and gain clarity on the possibilities Deployteq has to offer. This comprehensive training will provide you with a thorough understanding of the ins and outs of input and output in Deployteq, enabling you to work confidently with data.

🕐 2 hours | Price p.p. : € 275,- | Location: Deployteq Office

In this 2-hour session, you will delve deeply into all the dos and don'ts of Profiles in Deployteq. Learn the proper way to make selections and utilize the Datamodel to create the perfect selection for your next email campaign. A must for every email marketer already using Deployteq!

🕐 2 hours | Price p.p. : € 275,- | Location: Deployteq Office

Ever wondered how to ensure that every email you send reaches the recipient's inbox instead of the spam folder, or worse, doesn't get delivered at all? In this 2-hour deliverability session, you'll learn everything about this subject so that next time you press that Send button, you can do so without any worries.